On Thursday 28 March, the Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, announced a $1.2 million funding commitment over three years to support Jimmy’s, a new purpose-built wellbeing sanctuary for marginalised, disengaged and disadvantaged young people on the Mornington Peninsula.
Currently one in four young Australians are at risk of a serious mental illness. At Jimmy’s young people will have the opportunity to engage in holistic, complementary and current wellbeing practices, as well as skill-based learning, to strengthen their mental, physical and emotional health, resilience and skill sets.
Building stronger community connections, self-esteem, skills and strategies is proven to help reduce the risk of young people experiencing mental illness during teenage years and into their adult life. YMCA Peninsula Youth Services, who will be managing the centre, aims to help young people achieve this.
Groups like the YMCA Peninsula Youth Services are there to listen to your concerns and help you get on the right track to improved mental health. Minister Hunt
Jeanette Horsley, Manager at YMCA Peninsula Youth Services, is excited about providing a support model which includes strong intervention and prevention practices, specifically relating to early signs and symptoms of mental and physical health problems in young people.
Young people attending our programs are often living in difficult family circumstances. Personal and observed trauma, family violence, generational unemployment, social isolation and family history of mental illness can place young people at higher risk of developing mental health problems themselves. By providing a safe nurturing environment, activities and initiatives to help build coping strategies and resilience, we aim to help young people reveal the very best of themselves and open pathways to opportunities that highlight their unique qualities and abilities. Jeanette Horsley, Manager at YMCA Peninsula Youth Services
The centre will be managed and operated by professional YSPYS staff and well-trained volunteers, who through the sharing of food, programs and activities, will provide a safe and nurturing environment for young people to come and hang out with their peers, share their stories and make new friends.
When I’m here, I actually have a family. I feel safe, not just physically safe but emotionally safe. Jake, who first joined YPYS programs when he was 12. Now 20, he has attended the YMCA Peninsula Youth Services program for eight years
The centre will be located in Rosebud on Point Nepean Road, and will open in December 2019 with the aim to operate six days a week between the hours of 11.00am and 7.00pm. The long-term vision is that these centres will be opened in other locations, where the demand for youth mental health support is high.