Derrimut ELC building new nature space | Y Victoria

Outdoor play for children at YMCA Derrimut’s Early Learning Centre is about to get more exciting with a new nature-inspired playground project underway.

The Centre received a $490,010 grant thanks to the Victorian Government’s Building Blocks Improvement program to transform the existing playground into an engaging and inclusive nature-inspired playground.

Local State MP Luba Grigorivitch joined Centre Manager Kranthi Kummara and YMCA Victoria’s Executive Manager of Early Learning Julie Bowe to turn the first sod.

The major upgrade will feature dedicated outdoor spaces customised for different age groups allowing for age-appropriate, safe, and enriching learning experiences for each child. Dividing the outdoor space will create a more nurturing environment based on the different development stages and ages of the children.

The new design includes sandpits, water play areas, climbing structures, vegetable gardens, and artistic spaces, seamlessly blending with the natural environment to promote creative play.

A vital part of the renovated design is a 'Yarning Circle', a space aimed to encourage respectful dialogue and celebrate diversity.


"This area will provide an opportunity for children to learn about Aboriginal culture and foster a sense of inclusion and belonging," says Kranthi Kummara, YMCA Derrimut Early Learning Centre Manager.


Reflecting a commitment to environmental sustainability, the new playground will incorporate shade trees, rainwater tanks, and the use of sustainable materials. The introduction of natural areas, environmental features, and plant life is poised to foster children's connection to and respect for the environment.

"Helping children establish a meaningful relationship with nature in their early years plays a vital role in their cognitive and emotional development," added Kranthi.

Luba Grigorovitch, State Member for Kororiot said:


“Giving our children opportunities to get outside, get active and connect with nature has never been so important - we're providing these development benefits for them through outdoor learning so they can be happy, healthy and creative.”


For further information about the project works you can visit the dedicated project page on the VSBA website For more info about the Building Blocks Improvement 2022-23 you can contact the VSBA by phone 1800 896 950, or email

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